Welcome to the Tapville Logo Usage Page!
On this page you will find the logo’s for Tapville, Mobile Taproom, Eatery and Self-pour, Tapwall, Embrace Independence, and Merchandise.
Logo usage
The logo is the essential element of Tapville’s identity. The logo may be used in various forms to provide visible recognition of the Tapville brand in print, digital, signage, objects, and other forms of media.
When the opportunity to apply the visual identity is limited or needs to be reproduced at small sizes, it is suggested to use the text-only version of the logo.
Logo Versions
Tapville provides several logo variations that may be used depending on the medium and size.
One-color versions of the logo may be used when the primary, full-color version is not reproducible.
A simplified version of the full-logo version is provided for glassware, as well as a text-only version for use in ads, signage, t-shirts, the web, and other instances where legibility is critical.
Difference between PNG and PDF files
In the Logo downloads we have provided you a mixture of two file types- PNG and PDF files. Before downloading and utilizing the varying file forms of the logos it is important to note when to use a PNG file and when to use a PDF file.
PNG files are digital files that should strictly be used for digital purposes.
For example: PNG files should be used when you are uploading a logo onto a word document, posting to social media, uploading to websites, & digital ads.
PDF files should strictly be used for printing purposes because, the resolution will not break- as opposed to a PNG file.
For example: PDF files should be used for printing flyers, menus, banners, merchandise, etc.